Monday, June 21, 2010

Letter to them

Dear haters, protesters, unsupporters of war,

It has come to my attention that many so called Americans are rising up and voicing out. Now usually this news would excite me, but I have discovered that this uprising is not against enemies or those with ill intentions against us, but it is an uprising against our own soldiers. I, for one, am confused and outraged by this. How can you do this? How can you possibly wish ill things on our soldiers? Our defenders against those who would hurt us? You gather and speak out against war and those who fight it, yet you yourself are to cowardly to defend your own country. How can you call yourselves American? You claim to be but your actions say completely different. You say you have the right to gather wherever you like and you have the right to freedom of speech. Your correct, you do have these rights, but these rights were given to you by SOLDIERS!!! Every right you enjoy in this country was bought and paid for by a soldier, the very people you are protesting against. Soldiers are the ones that have kept us Americans, if not for them where would this country be? Again, how can you call yourselves American? You can hate war all you like, but do not hate the ones with the courage and strength to fight it. These fighters have sacrificed their time with family and friends, their homes and their lives for people they do not even know and you dare to call them killers and murderers and hold signs that say 'Thank God for dead soldiers'. You spit, walk, and stand on our flag and still claim to love this country. The next time you decide that you want rise up against a defender of this country, remember they are fighting for YOU. How dare you, how dare you turn your back on them. Shame on you.


I have a message for all those who have the nerve to look down on our soldiers, those who dare speak out against them. IF YOU WILL NOT STAND BEHIND OUR SOLDIERS THEN BY ALL MEANS, FEEL FREE TO STAND IN FRONT OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! This is me and I am PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN.

1 comment:

PhreedomPhan said...

Hi, Drifter. Long time no exchange. I had to comment on this. At one time I was gung ho. I believed America was fighting the good fight for liberty.

The more I have read and the more I have experienced the more I've become convinced that there hasn't been a war fought for America in a century. We have been fighting wars to make the world safe for the international financier, the multi-national mega-corporations, and the munitions manufacturers.

How can we say we're fighting to spread democracy while destroying it at home?

I was very young when my cousins came home from bombing Germany in WWII. They told of the strategic targets they were not allowed to bomb because of who owned them. Because I was so young, I didn't understand it when my uncle said, "Give me enough troops and a carload of rope and let me go to Washington. I'll straighten the country out."

That's where the troops are needed now. To destroy the far more dangerous enemy within.