Thursday, July 9, 2009


I don't want to go grow up. I don't want to get older. I have seen what happens to people when they grow up, I am sad and afraid it will happen to me. As people grow older they find it hard to believe in what they can not see. People lose their innocence, they become harder and more cynical. They cannot see the imaginary world that they used to because it takes innocence and a pure heart to see them. When we were children we could see incredible things. A cardboard box became a tall beautiful castle. A stick became a rifle or sword in the heat of battle. A tree or bush became a fire breathing dragon guarding the princess. Now we can not see anything unless it is bought by money or on the television. Gone will be the days of complete trust and true friendship. I don't know about anyone else but I do not trust the way I did when I was a child. Trust was so easy because I had not allowed the world to make me suspicious of everyone. My friendships were true and better because we were never in competition with each other or fought over petty things. As I see people I used to know I am saddened that they have changed so much. That I have changed so much as well. I want to be young forever. Life was better and things were so much simpler but meant so much more. I want those days back. I want to be young forever.


Ziggy Stardust said...

Beautifully written. I agree, if only we could.


PrayerMetro said...

Can I join you in eternal youthful thought? What a great thought.
A note... though God is the source of grace, you are certainly a faithful dispenser.

Anonymous said...

we all find ourselves facing the trickery within maturity.. this world has been guided toward a economical threshold, where maturity is working that 9-5, paying taxes, etc.. we must strive to find personal goal, not suspend ourselves to create satisfaction through our communities leaders.. "who i used to be is still apart of me.. who i was, i am.. it all comes round again." this is honestly a terrific write, i love it.. if one did not change, what would he or she know? we need experience to ascend.. dont let go of that child dear! she's precious!

facade said...

You give me grrrins with this. I've lived a unique life thus far n so much left to explore. Creating memories that we get to savor n envelop ourselves in as we choose is one of the wonders of living or getting older.

For this southern man, what matters most is exploring the world around us n then stepping beyond our borders. Every day offers adventure.