Friday, February 27, 2009


Someone asked me the other day what I thought would be a nice gift. I told them that I thought a wonderful gift would be to receive a lock of hair. Someone to send me a piece of themselves in the mail. I think it would be so beautiful for someone to think so much of me that they would want me to have a part of them with me. A lock of hair or scrap of clothing, even a piece of bone or skin. To share something so personal with me, something close to them that would never fade away, how wonderful that would be. I would wear it in a locket around my neck or inside a trinket to carry with me everywhere. I would not have to even know them, they could be some stranger from far away or someone I know from right here. A gift of this sort would be the most treasured, priceless thing to me. I would accept it from anywhere and anyone, a gift and a note as to why they chose to honor me with a gift like that. I wonder if there are any kindred spirits out there who share this with me.


Andrea said...


PrayerMetro said...

Wow, you've come alive with a lot lately. Were you storing it up and just let us have it, or did you write it all in a burst over the last few days. Glad to have you back.