Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I asked myself today why I am ashamed of myself. When did I start to think of myself as not being good enough or not up to par? I look around me and I see so many who will not meet my eyes because they feel ashamed of themselves like I do. Why is this? Why do we feel this way? I do not want be ashamed of who I am and what I want or what I feel and think and believe. This is me, when did that become something bad? When did it become such a bad thing to be me? Just because someone does not like who I am or the things that I choose or the style of clothes that I wear, that does not make me lower than anyone else. It does not make me a bad person. I am not beneath anyone. I am not inferior. I am me, and that is okay. I AM dark and I am weird and I am strange and unusual and eccentric, and that is okay. You can call me whatever you like, I do not care anymore. I will not be ashamed to be myself. I will not cower away in the corner because I do not fit in. I will embrace every weirdness, every peculiarity about myself. I will shout it from the roof tops " I am me and I am okay with that". This is who I really am , if people do not like that then they can cross the street, or look the other way, but no longer will I punish myself for being different. I am not ashamed. I am me and that is beautiful.


Me said...

very nice.. very true
i just read this so far im gonna read your other posts.. this was nicely written

PrayerMetro said...

Yes, you are a beautiful soul, a beautiful person, alive and expressive. Enjoy and grow forward.