Sunday, April 5, 2009


I find it beautiful that all of us, no matter how different we are from each other, we all are looking for something. We are all bound together by the fact that we are searching for something to hold on to, to believe in, to bring us back to life. We are different in appearance, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, looks, backgrounds, but we come together for a common need. We are all reaching into the darkness for something to take our hand and fill whatever emptiness we may have inside of us. We may all be looking for different things, but our search is the same. Something as little as this need brings the corners of the world together, unites us through a bond that will never be broken. How beautiful to think that someone shares my desperate need to find something to make me feel alive, complete, whole, to even just feel at all. We are in this together.

1 comment:

pmaillet said...

In the heart of every human being is a God-shaped void.

Nothing else and no one else can ever fill it.